Police voice: Attention all units, attention all units We have an All Points Bulletin out on a man with green hair I repeat, we...
Baby Come Back
My love, You were the one thing in my lifeThat I treated badSometimes enough I made you cryAnd I know the way I made...
Я охапками листья кидаю в костер,Синим дымом подпирая бледный неба шатер.Они пеплом взлетают,прогорев до конца.Я рукою стираю хлопья сажи с лицаКак будто так уже...
Jealousy Woes II
Men singing: Jealous! (8X) Girls voice: (Talking over the singing) Jealous!?! What he mean jealous, know what I’m saying? He just mad cause...
Kill You
When I was just a little baby boy, my momma used to tell me these crazy things She used to tell me my...
Ken Kaniff
I’m gonna call this motherfucker. Oh fuck yeah. Give him a piece of mind. A piece of my ass. Thank you for waiting....
The monster (feat. Rihanna)
I’m friends with the monster that’s under my bedGet along with the voices inside of my headYou’re trying to save me, stop holding your...
The Kids
(Eric Cartman) And everyone should get along.. Okay children quiet down, quiet down Children I’d like to introduce our new substitute teacher for...
Набираю номер
А я набираю номер хочу встретиться с тобою, но ты говоришь, что занята.А я слушать не желаю, а я, я так не играю, малыш,...
Beat It
They told him don’t you ever come around hereDon’t wanna see your face, you better disappearThe fire’s in their eyes and their words are...